Multiple Singularity

Work/Live Hybrid

Location : Fifth Floor, Old Chicago Post Office, Chicago, USA

Studio : Undergrad studio 2 'Post-Office Life / Post Office - Life' by Andrew Santa Lucia

Date : Spring 2016

Built Area : 3,200 Sq. Ft.

Materials Used : Tensile Fabric, Dyes, Concrete, AeroGel, Wood, Glass

Keywords : Work, Living, Flex Space, Studio, Interior Urbanism, Adaptive Reuse, Fluid Spaces

Multiple Singularity is a work/live hybrid domestic setting that re-imagines the architecture of work and living spaces to better suit our contemporary lifestyle.

Through architecture, this project explores the dissolving boundaries between work and leisure while attempting to increase the permeability between these historically separate worlds enabling a seamless transition from one to another.

User Profile

Users : A design-build duo of an Architect & a Contractor


Millennial Workaholics.


Absolutely love their work. Look to work all the time. Spend a lot of time on their laptops. Constantly move around in the studio and seek flexibility and fluidity in their architectural environment.

Project Description

Multiple Singularity is an exploration of a new kind of architecture that responds to the changing work-life dynamics. It proposes an alternate scenario for the live/work dichotomy where both these worlds begin to overlap. It explores the dissolving boundaries between work and leisure while attempting to increase the permeability between these historically separate worlds enabling a seamless transition from one to another. The title is also a reference to the context of this project within a huge floor plate of the old Chicago post office that houses similar work-live studios, creating a new urbanism of interior spaces.


To meet the demands of a fluid, flexible and seamless lifestyle of the users, a traditional rigid living room has been replaced with with a huge hammock that spans over the entire space. Traditional furniture has been replaced by extruded shapes of to complement the hammock. The shapes interact with the hammock giving rise to a new utilitarian landscape - 'Hammockscape'.


These shapes of various sizes and materials function as storage spaces and drawing or projection surfaces on the threshold level. On the hammockscape level they act as auxiliary working surfaces allowing for more flexibility and options for users.


Together they explore the potential for a new architecture that responds to the changing work-life dynamics and helps integrate them better.

Floor Plan

Ground Level

Floor Plan

Hammockscape Level


Looking East


Looking South

Site Model

Aggregation of multiple hybrid units

The studio negotiated space and adjacency of each individual project.

Detail Model

Showing previously highlighted area

Casting the slab of the 1 inch = 1/4th foot model.

The pillows were design and fabricated with help of Sabrina Yang.

The hammock's pattern was created by heatpressing hand painted dye onto fabric.

To recreate the aged dilapidated interior condition of the post office, the columns and floor were cast in a mixture of concrete, perlite and moss.

The existing columns injected with resin to resemble aerogel used to reinforce the structure while also maintaining visual integrity of the space.

Modular, adaptable shelving units double up as translucent walls to provide privacy.

Also called frozen smoke, aerogel is a light weight, lowest-density solid with high load bearing capabilities.

Aerogel is a material that is 98.2% air. As a result, it is almost weightless and appears transparent for the most part.